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Planning an event? Let the Bermuda Red Cross First Aid Team provide the support you need. Their team of qualified First Aiders can assist existing medical staff or offer full coverage for smaller events. Equipped with essential First Aid supplies and equipment, they’re here to help keep your event safe and prepared for any situation.   Call 236-8253 x 231 or email to learn more! View their website for more information. 

by Yabsta
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Are you looking for Calendar of Events?
8 results found in Bermuda for bermuda somerset events
These Bermuda Halloween events are coming up this weekend! 
A vibrant St. David's Lighthouse is featured on the 2020/21 Bermuda Telephone Directory. We talk with Peter Matcham,...
Bermuda has a number of annual events where you can get a great taste of the culture that makes the island such a great...
The biggest charity fundraiser in Bermuda
by Yabsta
May 24th – Bermuda’s Celebratory Start of Summer
by Yabsta
Thinking of moving to Bermuda to work? Read our Guide to get the inside scoop.
The Bermuda National Trust strives to protect and promote the Island’s unique natural and cultural heritage via...
by Yabsta
All the info you need for Police and Crime prevention in Bermuda.
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